Antiques, Dining Room, Dishes, Furniture, Home, Interior design, Kitchen, Living Room, Outdoor Living Space, Press, Wallpaper, Window Treatments
June 2, 2021
Antiques, Dining Room, Dishes, Furniture, Home, Interior design, Kitchen, Living Room, Outdoor Living Space, Press, Wallpaper, Window Treatments
June 2, 2021
Antiques, Bedroom - Interior Design, Design, Dining Room, Home, Interior design, Living Room, Master Bedroom, Personal Thoughts, Window Treatments
January 29, 2021
Sister Act This was the first home I ever built. Well, actually my sister and her husband built it, but I was their interior designer and made all selections and completed the decoration. It has been over 20 years since completion and with a few minor updates to upholstery and…
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Fabrics, Personal Thoughts, Uncategorized, Window Treatments
August 11, 2020
Whatever you call them; They are a MUST! If you have followed me for any length of time, you know how strongly I feel about this one. A room without Window Treatments is like a house without landscaping. Naked! I love the softness and luxurious feeling that can only be…
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Design Trends, Fabric, Fabrics, Interior design, Interiors, Patterns, Projects, Trends, Window Treatments
October 3, 2018
Part Two: The Return of Chintz Who doesn’t love a pretty room? I know that I love a pretty room more than most, but one quintessential element to any pretty room is a floral print. The English are particularly good at decorating pretty rooms and the first element you need…
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Interior design, Show House, Tips, Trends, Wallpaper, Window Treatments
March 17, 2016
How to Layer More Visual Interest into Your Rooms - Interior Design In creating rooms today, a huge buzzword is “layering.” What is layering? I’m sure you are familiar with the term in regards to clothing. It is very fashionable to have a colored t-shirt peeking under your dress shirt…
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Bathroom - Interior Design, Interior design, Interiors, Master Bath, Master Bedroom, Master Suite, Mirrors, Tips, Window Treatments
August 10, 2015
Creating a beautiful master bedroom en suite without a total renovation. I get asked by a lot of my clients what’s my favorite room to decorate. I guess it’s a client’s way of prioritizing the order of her design projects. Many clients can’t decide where to start in their new…
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Dining Room, Entertaining, Interior design, Interiors, Kitchen, Living Room, Master Suite, Mirrors, News, Personal Thoughts, Projects, Show House
April 29, 2015
Well, the Traditional Home Junior League of High Point Showhouse has one last weekend and I've finally recovered from High Point Market and it's almost time to go and take it all down. But before that happens I wanted to share with you some of my favorite design moments throughout the…
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