Antiques, Dining Room, Dishes, Furniture, Home, Interior design, Kitchen, Living Room, Outdoor Living Space, Press, Wallpaper, Window Treatments
June 2, 2021
Antiques, Dining Room, Dishes, Furniture, Home, Interior design, Kitchen, Living Room, Outdoor Living Space, Press, Wallpaper, Window Treatments
June 2, 2021
Books, Entertaining, Interior design
February 22, 2019
February was a busy month for us at Eric Ross Interiors and I am just so honored at the outpouring of love and fellowship that so many of my past clients and friends gave during the oh-so busy first weekend of February 2019. It was so special that I wanted…
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Antiques, Design, Dishes, Entertaining, Fabric, Furniture, Home, Interior design
February 14, 2019
One Luminous Evening - The Nashville Antiques & Garden Show The Nashville Antiques & Garden Show is one of my favorite events each year, not only for the incredible antiques but for the romantic garden settings and the chance to enjoy my colleagues in the design industry who make it…
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Accessories, Antiques, Interior design, Personal Thoughts, Travels
October 24, 2017
I cannot even begin to express in words the gamut of emotions I experienced during a most amazing week shopping at the largest Antiques fair in Italy, Mercanteinfiera. (Sigh.) As you know, I love antiques, and my dear friend Toma Clark Haines of The Antiques Diva and Co. invited…
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Interiors, Outdoor Living Space, Projects, Tips, Trends
October 22, 2013
Shopping at barn shows, festivals, flea markets and even garage sales (or, God help me, Christmas markets) can be super successful, though to be I just don't know who has that kind of time anymore. However, if you happen to find yourself in the middle of a tent with booths…
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